The 8:8 for me was gentleness ease grace PEACE. It was not about drama. It was not about doing anything that needed complex ritual.
As I walked the weather reflected this with such softness. I was with my Gem and nature and the Sun rays. The Beauty and Wonder that is.
At the end of the walk a man ran past and on that back of his T-Shirt was an image Sacred Geometry in Circle with Lion's head in the Centre of the Circle.
I woke this morning with so much Joy and Light. With so much Gratitude. A sense of Well BEing.
The Festival I am calling in at Monmouth has so many people who offer a range of modalities offerings who are coming together I think for the first time in Monmouth. So much healing celebration connections will be co created.
And then I hear what is occurring in Australia which felt heartbreaking. I reached out to a dear one who has retreated since the Global situation. Where they are is in contrast energetically to me. And this felt heartbreaking aswell.

We are incredible times. Where the personal connections are being torn apart as are the global ones. This is a very real expression of the paradigm divisive energy which humanity has been living in for long long time.
Individuals groups have shined another way and yet the divide has always been there. The push pull. And now this way of separation density is being illuminated personally and collectively.
For me I needed to grieve to have this held and witnessed. To let this go. For this to be voiced and not silenced. So that the energy could flow.
The grieving of experiencing this intimately in relationship and globally. This is how we 'join the dots' experience the connections.
The polarisation is an energy and can be held on 'both sides of the argument'. The Argument any disagreement can seem very real. We literally energetically go into opposition. We 'take it personally'.
And it is so very real.
For it is tragic for those who have died from the Virus and for those who are close to them. And for those who have not been able to be physically there with them when they died.
It is also tragic for those who have died and those dear to them who have had the jab. It is ALL heartbreaking. And it is not a competition on what is worse or who is to blame. For it is all painful. We are ALL doing what we feel is right for us and others.
So how do we hold ourselves each other with so much pain. When the political global systems are in states of emergency acting without thinking. When so much is being silenced.

And so we become attached. One side is right one side is wrong. One side is good one side is bad. Someone must be to blame. There must be an easy way out. For when we are triggered we want an easy answer solution.
So we have seen the two sides in division. As in to have the jab or not. And both sides can feel life threatened by the other. This is what has and does create Wars.
For when we believe and therefore feel lives are threatened our systems be that personally physically or globally go into flight fight freeze. The thing is we need those systems in states of emergency. And these states need to be blunt and reactive so we literally can respond quickly. Without thinking. Without lengthy investigation or debate. This is part of being animal nature physical. This is needed.
However there is a majority of humanity which have been in this state of alert for over a year and a half. Energetically this has and is and will need addressing in order to enable a shift and to heal.
As individuals and collectively we need to shift from this state of emergency and move into another mode of being.
And for me this is why I feel Lightworkers need to have had the jab and not have had the jab. We are all needed to be resonating the LIGHT in ALL places. On all 'sides of the argument' in order to dissolve the false paradigm.

It is KEY to be able to see the wider picture energetically. To be able to be non attached to our thoughts emotions feelings. To move out of this trigger. In order to move out of this argument - we will be shifting from being resonating in ALL opposition arguments Wars.
Being able to witness observe compassionately. Is so needed. Is the life affirming loving way. For this way creates energies that enable sustain embrace light hearted healthy environments energies possibilities creations.
We see different ways choices options. We move out of 'either or' to one of inclusitivity and a holistic approaches. Of Peace harmony healing grace and Love.
In order to do this we need safe spaces to release the emotions. To allow the feelings to be expressed. The energies to flow. Then we can let go of the mind which instals the reality. KNOWING this is the process is the KEY.
And the other KEY is through allowing the grief we let go we surrender that which we are holding onto.
And so I hold this tender hearted space of PEACE. Through gentleness we find strength.
With LOVE to you all. I LOVE you. We have this.
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