Thursday, 1 April 2021

Surrendering into the Flow of the Divine Now

There is and always been and always will be a DIVINE purpose to all Creation all life. There are MULTI layers of meaning for the many beings human beings. We are all interlinked. We are not isolated humans haphazardly bumping up against one another! It is not our minds choosing singularly what happens next. We can believe that we are going along on our own individual paths. Making decisions from our own lives and yet that is not all that is occurring!
We can have ideas on what Healing looks like for ourselves individually and collectively. Ones that fit our beliefs or judgements. Ones that are convenient. Ones that are clearly set out that we have control over. However healing is a gift and dissolves ideas beliefs stagnant emotions in ways that might be unexpected and not yet experienced realised understood by all of our selves.
So this is part of our journey to experience. To Live and FEEL in the body. Through each now moment. When we share with each other our journey our story of our experience through the words. We are sharing more energetically. For all is energy.
And the invitation that we are being gifted collectively now is for all of humanity to witness together a collective healing. Core fears that were hiding in the shadows are being revealed literally and energetically through Light and Love. The collective which is all of us are being gifted this experience so we can heal collectively. 
A Collective Soul Retrieval.
We can describe this also as awakening ascension. Rebirth or even reboot in to expanded evolved consciousness. New Earth or 5D. For it is part of our natural process to be in harmony health resonance. And it is not a going back it is part of our growth and evolution.
Because it is on this collective grand scale it can feel massive. At times maybe insurmountable. We can find ourselves wondering how are we going to get through this either individually or collectively. For the core fears need to be experienced collectively to be released understood healed. And for those core fears to be felt many are needing to be pushed. And this is the part of creation. Pressure. Chaos. 

And alongside these pushes which come in ways of challenges which our mind ego often see as 'things going wrong' ~ these shifts transformations healing come through magical wondrous ways that are unexpected even miraculous. And these experiences come through more frequently as we learn to trust and surrender. And LOVE. Loving all experiences. Loving all our selves. BEing with in the flow. Being in the flow in the NOW.
As individuals we have been experiencing these magical occurrences on the increase as we evolve and awaken. For all of ourselves come on line. Come into alignment. We are in 'the zone'. 

So here we are now we are experiencing this push which is the Collective Soul awakening. We are moving our soul observation from the individual micro to the collective Macro into the Metaphysical. All that we have learnt on the individual and within small groups we know also applies for the Collective

So as we experientially understand that we are interconnected we can shine a light for ourselves and each other. Our Souls have known that we have been training for this time. 

Creation life is diversity expanding. And the ways in which we are individually and collectively exploring are vast and infinite. There is a Hearts intelligence which is DIVINE. Step by step and sometimes in leaps. We are embodying Divine which is US more and more.

We are surrendering into the unknown which is the Divine infinitely expanding. We are letting go of the mind belief of control and limitation. We are now in the Collective push into the Leap of Faith into the unknown.

We are Courageous. We are held. We are LOVED.

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