Sunday, 27 September 2020


I received this information. As with all we are unique in our Diversity of experience and therefore commUNIONication. Take that which resonates and leave that which does not serve.
Gaia is Central Creatrix for the Cosmos. Hence all the Galactics being drawn to this 
Birthing at this now time with Gaia.
Ascended Ones Galactics have always been part of Gaia and human evolution.
Some of us chose to be in the forgetting so energetically we would resonate with those around us and being approachable. Be a catalyst for change. Be a living network of joining hands.
Therefor there is a Divine purpose and is part of the Divine plan that so many are Awakening now.
The Galactics have worked within different Dimensions are from Different Dimensions Star Systems planets. And therefore connect multi-dimensionally.
We are Gaia and like her are Record Keepers.
There are Beings on Earth who are shapeshifters. They are Guardians Gatekeepers between Dimensions and Realms. They take the form of Animal Planet Mineral or Elementals. They are Bridges between Dimensions.
Starseeds are Shapeshifters and hold Vast memories libraries that bridge across the Cosmos Dimensions. Starseeds are Awakening to this now.
Many Starseeds are waking up to our Family of Light being the Shapeshifters such as Trees Elementals Mountains and Sacred Rocks.
Many Starseeds are being called to visit either physical or remotely to specific places on Earth.
This is activating the DNA memories in our bodies. In the Crystal bodies in the Earth. And within the other Significant Guardians Gatekeepers. And the Grids Sacred Geometries that are not just based within Earth Gaia.
Uluru is a vast network where many Beings will be plugging into on the 21st December. Uluru is Chakra and Portal and so much more. Assisted by the Pleiadians and other Galactics including the Sirius A. Uluru will be a Vortex Gateway Activated to come into Highest Light alignment. 
To assist Gaia with the Grand Evolution and Change.
The Pyramids on Sirius A have come into alignment now. 
Are key to being with Gaia's Divine Plan for all Beings.
For every pyramid on Earth there are Twin Galactic Pyramids. For the commUNIONication to flow between.
The Great Pyramid in Egypt is aligning the Solar and Sirius Sun with the Divine Feminine Source Aspect. The Fire Within the Sun. The Sun within the Sun. That is why some have been seing Two Suns.
Because the Ancient Ones Galactics and Human hybrids Shapeshifters Gatekeepers who co-created the pyramids on Gaia. Were are beyond linear time. They we are assisting Quantumly beyond time. 
We are taking leaps across timelines.
We are being called to assist with the Dragons who hold the resonance of all the Matrix Grids which resonate within and also reflect other Plantery Grids.
The Multi layered mirroring is not limited. It is vast and interconnected.
So where ever we are called to tune in we are working beyond linear idea of time.
I am feeling hearing sensing the Pyramids on Sirius.
The Blue Moon at Samhain will be another pivotal aLIGHTing point.
The Pyramids on Sirius are being activated due to the Weather Climate disturbance on Earth. And due to this Activation the White Lion Resonance of the Lyran is also flowing through.
The Plantinum Rays of Silver and Gold. Divine Feminine and Masculine in Unity.
Uluru will come online on 21st December assisted by the Pleidian Crystal and Pleidian Technology which will align with the other major Chakra Portal and other Gateways of Mountains and Sacred Rocks.
The Original Template of the Moon will also be activated and alongside this Pyramid on the Moon.
The Golden Discs which I recently experienced coming into our our fields of awareness are linking into a Sacred Geometic Golden Grid. This too will be activated on the 21st December.
Many of us also are Awakening to the Cosmic Waters of Life. 
Which we all hold the codes in our Sacred Waters that we are.
Inside this is Spirit of Water are Dimensional Resonances that hold Beings of Such Beauty. That are revealing themselves to assist at this time. Are assisting at this time.
Many of us are hearing the Song of the Cosmic Whales also the Record Keepers. The Song of the Source of the Life. The Holy Grail is being Awoken. So can flow one more.
The Sacred Dragons at Glastonbury Tor are being called to be united. In Unity once more. To assist with the Crystaline Resonance of in the Water of Life.
As we Awaken we are coming into alignment to the Crystalline Resonance as Crystal Memory Keepers. The Crystals that were buried in Earth for safe keeping. They we are Keys. 
Each of us are unlocking such beautiful profound Crystalline resonances.
Each of us will be perfectly placed are perfectly placed on Earth with Gaia.
And as all of us are placed strategically around Gaia so that we physically link into these Chakra Portal Gateways. All are creating a Divine Network. A Sacred communication resonance with the Chakras Gateways Portals Record Keepers with Gaia.
So as each of us are coming more and more into alignment we are assisting in stabilising harmonising Earth with Gaia. With so many Beings of Light. Through this transition evolution and Signficant change.
With LOVE and Gratitude
Photos of Uluru and Glastonbury Tor

Friday, 11 September 2020

Golden Creation Solar Discs

Golden Creation Solar Discs

Today I was tuning into Golden Vibrations and as I aligned my Conscious Awareness to these beautiful RAYS I was shown they are Golden Solar DISCS. They are Creation Resonances that are acting if you like stepping stones. 

They come from the Central Sun straight from Source.

They are filling our Earth Resonance. Disc upon Disc upon Disc. They are the HIGHEST OF RESONANCES. So beautiful so Divine in resonance. 

They are coming in now to support ALL to align the with the Great Grand Cosmic Coded Plan. 

Activating our Divine Golden Codes. This goes to the CORE of ALL things. 

Beyond words.

I first received an awareness of this transmission through an intense essence of honey. Nectar of LIFE. 

They are Beings. AS all LIFE have Soul Resonance and Divine BEINGness. 

For those who feel called open your Heart and Mind and receive. 

They are if you like filling our Atmospheres so to assist in the movement of Gaia's children to the New Earth resonance. They are charging our Atmospheres with their DIVINE Resonances. 

They reflect back our Divinity.

And so our third Eyes are being FULLY Activated switched on and in alignment with Pineal so our PINEAL is like an ALL being EYE resonating with the Crown. And all aligned with multiple Golden Pillars of Light. 

Imagine see feel visualise all these Discs activating our Hearts. And aligning in beautiful sacred Geometry. To create one HUGE Musical instrument. Of hundreds thousands millions billions trillions of chords. Sounding. 

Imagine see feel visualise your Heart as this Golden Disc of Source Central Sun our Solar Star with Gaia as she is also in her HIGHEST LIGHT resonance. 

Gaia the Golden Galactic Gateway.

This is all part of the Golden Acceleration of Ascension of 2020. Unity of Vision.

Blessed BE OM

Zahara Celestial

Crystal Clear

Mountain Beings

Between Earth and Sky is the shifting layers in reality. So the Mountains around Earth hold the Gates for Gaia. 

That are being activated. 

Like trees are Mountains are we. As high as the branches grow so as deep are the roots. As High as the Mountains grow so as deep are the Crystal Cave Resonances. As above so below.

"People who live at Kanchenjunga the highest Mountain in India at its base in Sikkim, called the Lepcha believe that the first two humans, from whom all mankind descends, were engendered from the snow on Kanchenjunga’s peak. Thus, the Lepcha call themselves the "Children of the Snowy Peaks". It is said Kanchenjunga hold a gateway, a split in reality that would bring them into an unseen land of perpetual bliss."

"The White Tiger and the Dragon are said to guard mankind and to protect the Dharma, or teachings of the Buddha. These two creatures contrast with one another in many ways. The Dragon is associated with the heavens and water, while the White Tiger symbolizes earth and soil."

Zahara Celestial

Hearing our Ancestors

2020 Illumination & Revelation.

The Shadow waits to be fully be held loved seen heard and therefore given respect for s/he holds so much teaching and wisdom. 

Every day now for months I have like us all been with the wearing of Masks with both men and women in public. And I have witnessed in myself and others how this triggers so many emotions feelings memories. It goes straight to.... 
The Root of being held safe. 
The Sacral and Throat of Expression. 
The Solar Plexus of Inner Guidance and expression in action of ones Authentic Soul Path. 
The Heart. Being in LOVE resonance and sharing this. Closed or open Hearted. 
Third Eye trusting our vision. Daring to dream. 
Crown being Sovereign a vessel to express the Divine. 

My mind knew that the covering of the mouth went deeply to lifetimes of many including myself of being silenced. Oppressed. And yet I did not fully realise this until I was away on the holyday spiritual road trip. 

This core ancient past lifetimes errupted out of my body. Held there in the shadows. It felt like I was birthing this part. I did not need to know the specifics. And this energy had many stories past timelines. It did need a voice. 

It has been a pattern since Atlantis. That I have played out so many times in this lifetime. Of feeling I am the only one who dares to speak out. As a child I could hardly speak to people. And I worked through this so that I LOVE being in circle where each person is honoured and celebrated for sharing sounding speaking their truth. 

And then last night I had a dream. Where the shadow aspect of me - seen as another woman over and over again ignored me talked over me silenced me. I tried everything to get her to hear me. For others to intervene. Nothing worked. Then when I was enraged and at a loss and exasperated when we walked past each other I expected her to push me away and instead as we brushed past each other. We looked into each others eyes and burst out laughing. 

One of my Guides - she is an Elder Wise One Healer. She lived as a human from Mongolia/China borders many many years ago. When she comes through she brings deep belly laughter. Her resonance is so profound this laughter instantly raises the vibration. Dissolves disease discordance. Calling in harmony. Expanding the heart and BEing JOY. The laughter comes deep resounding the Hara Womb deep from Gaia's Heart. Innocence youth purity held in Elder Wisdom Ancientness. 

In the North of Sweden where the Sami Reindeer Herding Nomadic People have lived for eons. When the Patriarchy were taking away their identity their Heart and Soul connection to Spirit. And burning their drums. The Sami buried their drums in the Earth. In Gaia. 

When I was with two beautiful souls seated on West Kennet Barrow on the top of the undisturbed part of the burial. The Ancient Ones told us that they were not attached to this burial. Its purpose had gone. So any recent disturbance would have no affect on them for they are in a Higher Dimensional resonance. I was guided to be fully present and see feel the land. As we sat there I felt the heart beat drumming in the land. I felt the Calling of the Golden Dragon Energy resonance connecting all the Sacred Places of the land we were seated on. Bringing to life the RESONANCE the SOUND the VOICES of the Sacred. The SONG I FELT. And I feel I know this was all part of the journey I and others are now on. 

The Heart beats are coming alive. We are breaking free. The Drums in the land are sounding. Gaia we LOVE YOU. 

It is our time to SING SING SING AND SOUND. 

Blessed be to all of us. On our journey.
May we have the courage to be OPEN HEARTED WARRIORS.

THANK YOU ALL siSTARs Brothers. 

Wednesday, 9 September 2020

Celebration of us All

We are all needed each in our unique way.
Some share silently clearly to voices buried across the earth of forest desert rock mountain. 
In the water ways ocean sky and clouds.
Some are needed to be seen by many through various mediums of commUNIONications. 
Some are needed to be held with each other in small groups intimately 
so they ripple this loving outwardly to many.
Some are needed to stand still and witness. Pillars of Light.
Some are Green fingered.
Some speak the language of Birds. Some the language of animals. 
Some speak the language of beings that hold the light deeply in the Oceans. 
Some speak the language of distant Stars.
Some are needed to be Oracles to sound our journey our story for the Source Eternal.
Some are needed to be holders bridge Keepers between life and death and death and life.
Some are needed to proclaim 'NO' and others 'YES'.
Some are needed to Dream and in doing so shape all things.
Some are needed to walk the old paths to hold the Sacredness of our Journey.
Some are needed to create new paths for those to follow.
Some are needed to burn brightly for a short time. While some shine their light steadily.
Some were born in Stars distant and lived many lives here on Earth. 
To be the Living Breathing Wisdom Carriers. Children of Gaia.
Some were born to Gaia their Soul yearning felt the Divine Calling of Gaia 
and so they brought the Divine Source LOVE pure. Children of Gaia.
There are so many of us that this list will always be expanding into infinity. 
For Divine we are and Divine is always expanding.
We are all needed. Where we are. All of us. How we are. 
All are Children of Gaia. 
For Gaia is Goddess of Creation. 