21:12 Gateway
Esoteric view of Saturn and Jupiter ~ Great Conjunction
By Zahara Celestial
At the start of 2020 Saturn the Soul Being came into my Consciousness Energetically in Divine commUNIONication 3 times. I was and feel deeply honoured and in awe that this immense beautiful Being came into resonance with me. I knew that I did not fully understand all that was occurring. That the information was so vast as is this being to trust that the knowledge and codes had already come through and would be shaped in human word all in perfect timing. Divine commUNIONication is resonance and Harmony of energies in Song and Symphonic Creation.
The other information that my Solar Angelic Self has been tuning into was following the information from Source that 2020 is the year of Illumination. I had the number 12 repeatedly come into my awareness. As did the Pleiadean’s and therefor the number 7. Both 12 and 7 are Sacred Codes that are holding representing Divine Sacred Geometry. From the Micro of DNA right through to the Meta of Planetary Cosmic Scale. The Pleiadean have been resonating with their 7 Stars with our 7 Chakras. And our 12 Strand DNA is aWAKEning as we move fully into the 12th Ray of Christ Consciousness. And as I write this, so we are in the passageway of 12:12 to 21:12.
Through my own experiences I was led to Esoteric Astrology which gives an added perspective to the movements energies intentions relationship and Divine commUNIONication of the Planets Moon(s) and Sun in our Solar System. That move beyond the more commonly known Astrology which can focus on the personality ego aspects and predictions. Esoteric Astrology while including some of that is more focused on the Soul Journey and Higher Resonance of all Beings including the Planets Moons and Suns.
When two planets are Conjunct they are close to one another. Therefore their energies are intensified and amplified. Their communication is focused. Saturn is the Grand Initiator and Jupiter is the Embodiment of Divine Love and prepares all to embrace Christ Consciousness.
Saturn teaches reveals the shadow aspects of Lack supporting us to move into the resonance of Abundance. Saturn in some of Earth's Timelines - which is also shown in older ancient peoples - Saturn was the other Sun to Earth. For both Saturn and the Sun connect with Life Force Creative Flow which is Abundance.
Saturn came into my Consciousness during 2020 for many reasons. The key one being Saturn has a strong relationship with the Voice. And throughout this year the Shadow aspects of the voice – sounding our Truth – being heard – has been played out. We have seen this with Revelations of shadow secrets and the Masks which energetically have been Masking the voice.
Saturn is the Holder the KEY to Initiation. And therefore has been extremely prominent for Humanity at this time. For the collective Humanity is passing through a Grand Gateway. Another term for Saturn is ‘Dweller at the threshold’. For Humanity and therefore ALL life is at a major threshold from one state of Being to another. We are in the invitation to SHIFT and evolve from one state resonance Dimension to another. The Collective have shifted from being held in the inverted matrix to resonating in the 4D. That which hold all the myths archetypes dreams in the Astral Etheric. We are reclaiming our Lost Selves our Soul Parts that have been forgotten like ghosts held in the 4D. All that is unconscious is being revealed. For 2020 is the Year of Illumination. As we move through the threshold into the Grand Gateway invitation to 5D and New Earth.
Saturn gives us opportunities to grow through pushing significant challenges into our path. 2020 has been a year where the Collective have been given the opportunity through the Source Central Sun Solar Golden Energies that have been flooding earth. To wake up from the unconsciousness dream to being fully conscious and Sovereign Beings. Aware that we all have a choice on how life enfolds for ourselves and the collective. That we are Creative Beings. The universe is us. The universe is Divine. As we are Divine.
Saturn shows us it is time to move out of the polarity belief systems of pain and punishment that so many feel stuck in a cycle of Karma. To moving into a Heart Resonance of seeing there is no blame no shame no guilt. That is all an illusion distraction of the inverted matrix patriarchy. Seeing that all is reflected in each other. Forgiving ourselves and each other. To then moving out of the need even for forgiveness. For all is Divine.
Saturn in esoteric Astrology resonates with the 3rd Ray. Which is Yellow of the Sun. The 3rd Ray is Higher Mind and therefore in resonance UNITY with Higher Heart. Where the Higher Mind is in service to Divine Law. 2020 therefore has been an invitation for Humanity to move into Divine Will. Evolving from the Ego grip of attachment keeping all small divided. Divine Law is the Sacred Masculine that makes manifest the Source Sacred Feminine. Through Action and Divine Direction. Very much like the analogy found in Zen and Archery. Where the Archer is both the arrow and the target and does not focus his her aim on reaching the target. One is all and nothing. 3rd Ray is that of Mastery. The 3rd Ray of the Yellow Sun strongly illuminates and clears all that has remained hidden. And so Saturn also resonates with the third eye and Clear vision. Which comes with Clarity of Mind.
And now we come to Jupiter. Jupiter resonates with the 2nd Ray of Light which is Blue. Jupiter supports us to access the Wisdom that lies within each Cell of our Being. This Wisdom is Divine Resonance of SOPHIA. Jupiter at the Grand Conjunction is enabling humanity and all Beings in the most profound gentle powerful way to be in flow and accept the challenge and the choice to take this Grand Leap of Faith into the Next Stage of our Collective Evolution. Awakening into the New Earth Resonance. With the combined resonances of Wisdom and LOVE is ignited Divine INSPIRATION. And with this Divine spark ignited we are enabled to Take that Leap of Faith. Pass through the Gateway Initiation. Jupiter resonates also with the envisioning the Divine Purpose. With enabling the Divine Voice to be Sounded. For the Colour Blue is linked with the Chakra of the Voice.
And so we are being gifted by these two Celestial Divine Beings of Saturn and Jupiter to embody the Divine Spirit.
I therefore encourage and invite all of us to tune into the these Divine Soul Resonances prior to and during 21st December to enLIGHTen our passageway through this Grand Gateway.
Blessings to ALL with so much LOVE that is resonating at this time.
Blessed BE
Zahara Celestial.
For further references look up 12th Rays omn.org and for Esoteric Astrology mermaid-uk.net