Thursday, 25 August 2022

Setting ourselves Free


I we are being stretched. Energetically and therefore in our body mind. Literally. This is necessary to create space. Moving from compression where density is in knots to being unravelled. The knots releasing clearing. So while this is ocurring - which some would describe as Awakening. The different parts/ aspects of ourselves are balancing while being pulled.

As the different parts/ aspects come into alignment they ‘up level’. Catch up to the resonance which other parts are energetically being and moving in.
The ego mind can go into resistance fear. And energetically this can create experiences like vertigo. Because we are being moved into higher frequencies.
After I had completed writing down a download for a project I am creating. I went to bed. And there was an instant spontaneous Soul retrieval. This image came. Which I am also sharing as I feel think know will assist others.
The image was that I was in a cage. I thought I was not part of creating this cage. Because it was a cage I assumed it was locked and I could not get out. It was rusty so I assumed it was old and I had been stuck in their for a long long time. I believed I deserved to be in there and I had grown to feel safe inside.
I then simply walked out. Even though the outside was darkness. I felt no fear. And as I immediately walked out my heart started to pound. As if I was alive for the first time. Full of energy and excitement.
I was reminded then of how the universe created a child psychotherapist job for me in a school despite not completing my qualification. Nor the job advertising for a child psychotherapist... For my child psychotherapy course my very first case study client was a nine year old boy who in the session literally climbed the walls.
After two warnings to him that he needed to get down for his safety and if not I would have to physically grab him. He carried climbing (it was amazing to watch!) I reached up and he fell into my arms. And for twenty minutes I held him in my arms cradling him. With him gazing into my eyes like a baby. The next sessions we played caring for animals all led by him. He had in one session gone from shouting extreme abuse literally climbing the walls. To the most loving gentle being. His true self.
This morning I awoke feeling a sense of peace I have not felt for a long while. Since the last 2 years. So much made sense. Energetically. And I felt the intention to place the light around my space as those around me in adjacent homes began to wake. Not out of fear. But to honour and care for the energetic field that I am choosing to be live and cocreate.
So I share this. We do not know how far we maybe on our journey nor what magical wonders are waiting. We are so held. We are courageous. We are HAVE succeeded. For all is quantum.
Love Zahara

Sunday, 2 January 2022

Choose LOVE

 As I open my Heart I open the way.
Choose choose choose in each moment. 
And in each moment we are releasing the layers that kept us down kept us small. 
We are not being selfish living our truth. 
We are showing not just ourselves but others that love is possible. 
Live your truth for ourselves and each other.

Love Always