2021 Year of Illumination and Revelation. Energy Ascension Update.
As with everything I share receive with LOVE that which resonates and let go with non attachment grace anything that does not.
For there are multiple truths for we are all Diversity in Unity.

I was being shown information by the Andromeda Guides about the Pineal. And how this is negatively affected by both the bug and the jab. And there are ways we can shift through this. More is being revealed and will be revealed. And that Alien Galactic Technology is and will be Key as it is 'outside' of the humanity vibration. And so can assist. And for this more and more of us are evolving - in our mind and energetically to 'hold' these technologies ways energetically. For they are Higher Vibrational. And so will be 'out of the box' in all ways.
That is also why more of us have been waking up to our Starseed energies vibrations. So we can 'take this on' and hold this. For ourselves and humanity. We will be interpreters and bridges for this technologies energies and ways of Being.
This is all about the evolution of Humanity to Unity
Consciousness. Our evolution. That our body is our brain our brain is our body. There is a unity consciousness being developed as we bring our Higher Mind online. So we can embrace our Higher Heart. Be in Unity Consciousness. Energetically. I recommend Jamye Price who shared on the Heart Expansion during this end of 2021 which I have been referring to as the melting of the collective 'Frozen Heart'
The Toroidal field is linked to this through our Breath. The Pineal drives the current of energy electricity. We are energy. We are electric. As we expand our Consiousness so our energetic field energy of Heart with MInd are in Unity with Gaia. It is the Breath of LIFE.
I was informed by my team of light in 2020 that LIGHT would escalate at the end of 2021. Which means more electricity. More Currents. More intensity. More mirroring. More clearing. More embracing everything and the LIGHT.... as well as the dark.
And this is all about how open we can be in our HEARTs. And I have just seen a video with Lee Harris saying his Z's Team have said that from now to Mid December there will be an escalated Electric Storm. Which will be amplifying and intensifying everything.
Alongside this we are in the Window of Luna and Solar Eclipses which will also be amplifying this time. Intensifying and mirroring the Masculine and Feminine. The Clearing of both these wounded aspects in us all.
I was with the polarity today and I realised that it is very simple. If we are experiencing one side if you like of the coin. We can very easily flip it. So we can experience both.
Rather than fight against being in the polarity embrace this. For we are all here to experience this. So if we feel Fear feel LOVE. If we feel Anger feel acceptance. If we feel Grief feel Joy. This is DIFFERENT. For we have been training ourselves to be able to feel both. And through this we evolve.
I then found out that in USA Scientists have been looking into drugs that are being used for depression and increasing serotonin for treatment of the bug. Because the bug through the spike protein decreases serotonin.
Serotonin is produced through our Pineal Gland.
Our Pineal Gland is the gateway to LOVE and Expanded Consciousness.
Below is the link to Dr Joe Dispenza who goes into detail about the Pineal Gland. And how we can use a particular breathing to assist the healthy function of our whole body with the Pineal.
This particular breath is what they use in Kundalini Yoga.
And Kundalini is all about Awakening Consciousness.
So everything IS connected!
So to sum up.
We are wired as StarSeeds to be natural receptors of these energies currents information technologies. This is part of the light Language Function. Expanding us physically energetically so we 'come on line' and are 'in tune' in 'resonance' Light Language has a Wider purpose. A larger service context.
We can embrace the fact that we are playing experiencing a universe of polarity. And explore expand accept all. There by evolving ourselves and our reality not just for ouselves but for the collective.
We can use the ancient knowledge of Breath Work - that Kundalini Yoga and others have to realign our bodies with the Pineal.
Finally we can take care on the water that we drink. There are different ways in which people are going by this. This is to ensure that we do not take in toxins that among other negatives calcify the Pineal.
LOVE Zahara This particular breath is what they use in Kundalini Yoga.
And Kundalini is all about Awakening Consciousness.
Everything IS connected
Love Zahara