Sacred Sound
All life is movement all movement is energy and energy creates sound. Resonates. Sound is the Meaning of Life. All is in Divine Communication. If you wish to understand any all communication listen to the energy.
We are flooded by sounds some of which we do not hear through our 3D Human ears. Some sounds we have been trained and train ourselves to filter out.
For instance we know that there are radio waves filling the environment which we do not hear but are there. There are animals on land and ocean that hear sense feel sounds which are beyond our 3D range. And yet our bodies are feeling ALL these ALL the time.
It is therefore vital that we take ourselves out of the human energy fields into natural environments so we our systems can resonate within the Divine Natural field.
When we do this we allow our energies to realign. Come into Harmonic Resonance. We are able to Hear to FEEL again. For it is safe to do so. We do not need to numb dial down. De-sensitise.
This is why Sound Healing is so powerful. We feel it. We have knowing access to experiences knowledge beyond the human mind understanding. We FEEL it.
Sound is not just heard it is felt. For Sound is energy. Life Creation. In the beginning was Sound.
If you wish to understand the deepest and lightest of communication listen to the sound. The notes. The volumes.
When you hear yourself and others speak feel the resonance the vibration the tone. Tune into your body and feel the communication.
Go out into Natural settings and feel the sounds.
Feel through your feet. Through you skin.
Feel the vibration in your body.
Feel watch sense the sounds moving closer further.
When a butterfly flies by close hear the sound of her wings.
When a caterpillar moves on the earth hear the sound of her feet.
When the wind moves the leaves tune into the tree and feel what that tree hears.
Feel the memories of the wind the carries the sounds of all beings across mother Earth.
With all sounds feel them rippling beyond earth.
Feel the sound of the Sun.
Feel the sound of the Earth.
Feel the sound of the Moon.
Feel the sound of the Stars.
LOVE Zahara