Sunday, 17 January 2021

We are all Earth Angels

 We are All Earth Angels
This is not a just a romantic notion
Our Higher Selves Souls reside resonate ARE Angelic
All of us chose to journey through the Divine Dimensional resonances to Earth
Moving evolving experiencing Creation in such diversity and vastness
Each holding layers upon layers of the expression of Life.
We are Code Keepers Creators Living and Being that which we Create
We are not fallen Angels as we are still resonating in Grace.
For Earth is Gaia and is Divine
As we are


Saturday, 2 January 2021

The Gift in the not Knowing


There is a gift in the not knowing. 
Our minds can try to make lists and worries of what is impossible. 
And yet there is a purity simplicity in the discovery. 
For our egos might gasp at the enormity and miss the joy wonder and magic of Life. 
Our Hearts led ourselves here for we heard the Soul Calling of home. 
Through being the Creator who is also Creating ourselves and each other. 
We are the Spiral Source eternal. 
Let's join our hands in our hearts together and take leap upon leap into the unknown. 
And find our Hearts resting there.

Love Zahara