Thursday, 16 July 2020

Mantis Galactic Star Beings


Mantis Galactic Beings have such a beautiful intention energy that their manifestation in physical form on Earth is so like their resonance outside of 3D. And more. 

They bring forth the beauty creativity of otherness. Of bridging between the Elementals of Air and Water.

They work very closely with the Sidhe Shining Ones and Fey Dimensions. 

You will recognise them very often initially through hearing - via inner ear dream space imagination - of clicking high pitched sounds. With an energy communication that is focused precise crystal clear that feels familiar and yet not. 

They bring forth an expression via colour so we can feel the essence vibration of colour. 

They work with Flower Essence Divine Healing Energies. Divine Feminine Source resonance of the Heart.

They are gentle wise graceful. Holding Stillness. Patience. Magic and wonder of Creation.

They resonate in such a High vibration that is able to hold stillness with swiftness. 

They work between the spaces of new life. They are incredibly powerful and have brought the creative spark to all who ask. 

They can assist with releasing attachments ideas fears of difference alienation separation and the want to be part of what is deemed normal acceptable to conform and feel safe small. 

They are translators between different languages. 

They are skilled in assisting clearing the Pineal and releasing densities of programming of mind energies. And also inner ear implants. 

They are skilled in assisting us to tune into extra sensory perception.

They are skilled in assisting us to tune into telepathy. Which is the weaving of our senses. Into a symphony and moving from the perception idea that the senses work separately.

They can assist us in accepting bringing in New. So being with trust. Bridging the new with Grace. Ease. 

They resonate with the Golden Child and playfulness. Calling in the Creative spark.

They can assist in shifting the warrior energy so being of service and trusting in the Greater Divine Plan in all things. Allowing us to take those leaps of faith. Becoming into our Mastery. 

They can assist us in shining our uniqueness. Daring to express our difference and therefore be in Unity and New Earth Resonance. 

Because of all the Shifts Changes that the collective are birthing more will be experiencing connection with Mantis Beings.

This is my commUNIONication with the Mantis. Others will have their own. All is needed. 

Love Zahara

Friday, 10 July 2020

Key to your Heart

And so you hold this forgotten Key. 

Heavy rusted through the ages kept silent quiet hidden. 

With cobwebs woven into the eye at the centre. 
There weaves a golden spider. 

Hands shaking you hold the Key in the palm of your hands.
The rust paints red of clay onto your hands. 
Symbols signs Key of Songs of the Ancient.

Inside your heart the door opens with such brilliance. 

Bright light you burn. Deep from inside a furnace from Source.

With courage in your hands the Key sings once more.

You feel the bones in your body resonate shake then quiver 

A feather plucked from the language of the birds 

Your Soul Awakened once more. 

Flames flicker your Heart melted into your Soul. 
Soft embers glow. 

You feel the river of blood that runs in your veins 
Sending messages of Love to and from 
Streams rivers of Mother Earth.

Forged birthed from the Heart of Gaia. 

You are She. She is you. 

Once and ever lasting Song. 

Love Zahara 

Saturday, 4 July 2020

A story of Barefoot by Zahara Celestial

Once upon a time there was a boy who was happy but for a nagging pain on the sole of his right foot, where a splinter had been lodged following climbing the old apple tree in his parents garden.
He wanted to look over the wall that stretched for miles and miles, surrounding the huge estate hiding behind many tall dark trees. He thought if he could get high enough he might be able to see through the tall dark trees.
He should have listened to his parents who warned him never to climb the apple tree. His mother said if he did; the terrible growling, snarling, saliva spitting, frothing dog would see him and scare him so much, that he would for ever and ever chase him in his dreams.

Surprisingly this did not stop him from climbing the apple tree, as he had never heard or seen the dog. In fact the more he thought about it, the more he came to the conclusion that there was and never had been a dog. This disbelief grew and grew to such an extent that he felt more alone than he could have imagined. It was then he realized that this was what people called a lie.
Worse still, he started having arguments with himself about whether there was a dog, because he had spent many years imagining what a terrible growling, snarling, saliva spilling, frothing dog would look like. And smell like. Over the years the hair of the dog had grown, as had his blood dripping yellow stained teeth.

So on this average quiet day he decided that he would look over the wall; so he climbed and climbed and climbed and climbed as it was a very high tree. Anyway, he got to the top only to slip and fall. He awoke stunned with a pain in his foot which remained even when the splinter was removed; much to the confusion of the local physician.
It was from that day that Barefoot was his name because he could no longer wear any shoes; so bad was the pain. His father was the village shoe maker and try as hard as he could to design different shoes of all shapes and sizes; he could not make a pair of shoes that his son could wear without aggravating the pain.
His father went up to Barefoot and said he had run out of ideas, but he knew of a Master shoe maker in town, who might be able to help him. He knew his son was scared and did not want to travel outside of the estate walls and certainly not beyond the village. But he did not know of any other way.

Finally Barefoot gathered up his courage and left for the town. The journey was far over rock, clay, grass, stone, sand stream river and brook. He saw amazing lands and incredible animals of earth, sky and water. So much colour and movement that filled his body and crowded his dreams. At times his feet became sore, but still he went on until eventually his feet became hardened to the hot and cold. At times he forgot the reason why he had travelled so far. At times he forgot the pain in his foot. He crossed rough seas of fire and ice, finally winding down the river to the mouth of the town.

Barefoot wandered the streets for 2 days amazed and shocked at all the strange sights and smells. However, on the second day 2 minutes past 4 o'clock he arrived at the Master shoemaker's shop. He stood looking up at the winding, twisting, moving, shaking, quivering stairs of the huge snake; wondering how he could catch the tail. He decided to make a huge leap and flung himself on. The stairs gave one almighty shake and then became still. Barefoot gingerly crept up and, as he touched each new step a different note sounded out until he reached the top to a cacophony of noise. He had been announced and the door swung open! Barefoot was greeted by the Master shoemaker.

The Master shoemaker was an old man with long white hair that merged from his head into his long white beard that trailed to the ground. The Master shoemaker greeted Barefoot as an old friend and listened carefully to Barefoot's story. In response he said he would consider making shoes for Barefoot on condition that he work for him for a year and a day and learn that shoemakers trade. 

And so days, weeks and months passed until that final day arrived and the Master shoemaker announced the shoes were finished.

"And they will stop the pain in my foot?" asked Barefoot.
"Oh no, they can't do that!" replied the Master shoemaker.
"What old man, I know you are a magician. You promised you would make me shoes. So what's the use of these then?" shouted Barefoot as he flung the shoes back in the Master shoemaker's face.
"Well, they will stop you getting more splinters" said the Master shoemaker.
"What's the use of that? Splinters don't bother me. I can just pull them out. It's the pain in my foot that won't go away!" exclaimed Barefoot.
"But don't you know, you are cured of the pain" replied the Master shoemaker.
"What, are you mad? No I am not cured!"

 Barefoot at this point was barely containing himself from punching the old man in the face.
"Well, if the pain was that bad how did you manage to walk all those miles?"
Barefoot puffed himself up to tower of the Master shoe maker and replied
"Because I am strong and brave!"
"Um, so I see" said the Master shoe maker not looking convinced.
"You sure?"
"YES!" Barefoot exclaimed.

Barefoot at this point was shaking with anger then realised in utter amazement that the Master shoemaker was shaking too; because he was desperately trying to hide that he was laughing. At which point Barefoot found himself wanting to laugh too. The Master shoemaker then straightened himself up, grew a few inches taller, and exclaimed;

"Well done. You have journeyed far and long. Overcome many fears, many challenges and learned many lessons. So you too can now become the Master shoemaker like you father"
Barefoot was silent for a while and then replied;
"Thank you Master shoemaker. I am no Master shoemaker. I shall not take your name. Barefoot I am and Barefoot I shall remain".

“Truly you have become a Master. For you are able to walk without shoes and through the eyes of your feet see pathways seen and unseen and feel the movement of all beings on Earth. You are Singing the song of the Elements. Able to see beyond our vision. I would ask this that you return to your village and share your story along the way”

Barefoot pondered on this request and replied.

“I cannot say where I will go for I must follow where my feet feel the Earth’s calling. I will share my journey to those called to listen. And if I find myself once more in the village I was born I will share my journey there too’’


And so ends the tale of Barefoot. Who to this day travels along paths only seen by those who dare to walk barefoot on Earth. 

Friday, 3 July 2020

The Souls Compass

As we raise our vibrational energy we become lighter. And so we are able to gain greater wider higher understandings learning knowledge and wisdom. We notice that though we revisit shadow aspects or woundings and denser emotions programming we move out through these experiences swifter with more ease grace acceptance and love. 

Life. Being here is one Vision Quest. And within this envisioning exploring are multiple Vision Quests. 

Our minds can think we have all the gear we need to survive in the wilderness. For we are explorers. Here to experience learn and find our truth. our Wisdom. Gaia Wild Elemental Forces always need to uproot us shake us up stretch us. So that we find out who we are. We discover. We birth ourselves. We face that which we shunned. And we experience that which is beyond our ego mind imagining. So much vastness so much power so much beauty. 

And so we move out of survival mode. When the tent is blown away. When the fire is blown out. When we loose our food. That is when we realise we do not need all this stuff! And it is not about survival in human ego terms. It is surrendering to being held Divinely. Knowing there is a greater abundance outside of our fragile ego. We shift out of the need to control and hold on.

The forces which are vast enormous powerful in their wild beauty are us. And it takes us surrendering to this to know we are mirrors reflections of all that is. We are met. We are seen. We are heard. We are felt. Divinely. 

So many have the fear of loosing oneself. There is repeated dreams of being lost. Trying to find our home. And yet we need to go into the wilderness to be lost to find ourselves. Move beyond the limitations of what we think we are. The artificial constructs. 

There is the phrase 'loosing ones mind'. And yet there is the freedom in letting go of the mind control. For we are not just individual minds we are also part of the collective mind and Higher Mind Consciousness. The Patriarchy produces programming which create addictions to the inverted 3D matrix. Programming obsessional energies. This denser focus intention is artificial and tries to cover up Soul Needs. So there is the image of 'loosing ones mind' running naked in the streets. And so many people have dreams of being seen naked.  Loosing control. Not being accepted. 

We are all naked. The clothes we wear are artificial. Not real. We are not the objects we own that we wear. And this iconic image of 'loosing ones mind' running naked shows so much. How much we desire to be free. How we have had become so attached to the status quo to fit in to feel safe. 

All this has been shaken up. Collectively. And individually. We have been shown how we are all so connected.

So I observed this mechanism. I have felt myself be lost in the thoughts programming. Its desire need to fill up my whole time focus energy thinking process. It has a certainty to it. It becomes a mantra. Key to releasing ourselves from this resonance pattern energy dimension is witnessing noticing knowing we are not the programming the thoughts or even the emotions and feelings. We are the observer. 


And so I did these things.

I sent Love to me.

Remembered that this was a programming that was fed by a core fear. 

The programming was not the fear. 

I enquired asked what the programming was showing. It was to feel safe. Held. Loved. 

I enquired asked what the fear was needing. It was to feel safe. Held. Loved.

I tuned into my energy. 

I noticed I was running on rushing and was stressed. I was not BEing in the moment. 

I meditated. Became still. Quiet 

I felt gave Love to all of me. 

I cleared the energy on the subtle levels around my mind.

I called in the 'future' self which tuned into the Higher Self to BE in the experience of looking 'back' at this. Of having moved through this. 

And I felt this now in my being.

And something wonderful happened. 

I felt the programming come up and it did not having anything to attach to. So the thoughts would dissolve. 

I could feel see the emotions feelings buried arise and have space to be honoured and released. 

I gave myself space to BE. 

To relax. 

I tuned into my body. 

Took a breath.

Placed my hand on the centre of my chest and felt my Heart

I gave thanks for my body for being here.

I stood bare feet on Earth. And felt Gaia's resonance feed my Body. 

Ease my mind. Feed my Soul.

Then I had a wider higher LIGHTER understanding and KNOWING of the gifts that these challenges have for us. That all our challenges when we Shift out of the energy of struggle and fight become GIFTS.

It is through this process we embody the Heart resonance and Lighter Dimensional reality. 

Through Compassionate Detachment we are no longer hooked into the Density reality.

We expand from through the Heart resonance.


We all have our own unique journeys within the Collective journey. Within Gaia's journey and the Cosmic Gateways.  And because all is quantum these doorways gateways Cosmic waves of energies and vibrational resonances exist quantum. Beyond linear concept of time. We are not in a race. All is present in the Now Moment of All Possibilities for us to tune into be with. Move shift evolve with our own unique process timeline. 

And so we call in Grace. The calm after the storm. We are collectively in a clearing where the rain thunder wind has stirred up so much. And our human landscape has been shaken up. Like a woodland with branches and trees uprooted. And yet this is the cycle of nature. For the new to be born. And all will be needed to give nourishment for new life. NEW EARTH.

LOVE Zahara