Those who are Awakening now you are BRAVE you are COURAGEOUS for you are daring to SHINE and face the karmic fears of isolation persecution torture within the old paradigm dense resonance. And release and SHIFT all this for yourselves for ALL.
We each are unique and so in so many ways there is no comparison. Having said that I am so aware how so many are Awakening now and it is like experiencing 10 years of what I or others who awoke in 2010, are experiencing in 10 weeks or even 10 days!
And given we are now moving into Quantum comparing and measuring in this time way is making less sense! For it is all about ENERGY. Each of us will have chosen the experience exploration on how we climb this Awakening Mountain.
Some will have chosen the slow winding path. Others the steep path. All of us will be gathering the experiences that shape the mountain. Some chose to walk climb those paths on our own so we can discover remember we are not alone. Some choose to walk climb with others. All of us as we journey along our paths will meet so many of our Family of Light and other Beautiful wondrous Beings Guides and Teachers.
For we are experiencing and discovering the Divine Diversity of Creation. We are each needed to create paths and map the mountain. So that others can and will have those paths to Awaken. And always always Nature Mother Earth will reclaim those paths. Those paths will at times become hidden.
And as we each journey on our Vision Quest of our Soul Paths and evolution we will be met by Guides Guardians of the mountain. For our souls have needed to face these challenges and be tested. So that we can grow and evolve. So we can discover the magic mystery and wonder.
So many are clearing 'once and for ALL' the old 3d inverted matrix old paradigm resonance reality, that has kept so many in the root chakra wounding of flight fight freeze. We ARE doing this. And sometimes or often! This requires getting in the mud the earth the root.
I have worked with many people 1:1 over the years being their witness guide and loving companion to those who choose to release these chords attachments that keep us in the time loop prison. And all is always in DIVINE timing. For each one of us will have the key to unlock ourselves from the prison which we have believed held us safe.
When we face those wounded parts - which can include releasing trauma from past lives buried in our bodies, in which we have demonised. We set ourselves free. We AWAKEN. We know experience we are the KEYS to illumination freedom joy.
I continue to witness with honour and love the DIVINE expression of people. As our masks fall off and dissolve. And we are left naked and empowered. In the Garden of Eden - which is New Earth.
Love Zahara