Monday, 30 March 2020

We are Angels of Light on Earth - Prayer Invocation

It is time step into our Light Being who we are
Feel this
Be this
Holding our Heart within Gaia's embrace
Uniquely Divinely beautiful

We call into our now moment into our physical body
The Light of who we are
Embodying physically the Consciousness of our 
Highest Angelic Christed Aspect 
Our Higher Self Heart Resonance 

To BE arrive 
Still Point.
Our Divine Compass

There is a Divine plan for all that is. 
We are remembering we have the gift of choice in each moment 
To be LOVE
We are the ones we have been waiting for 
To Shine the Light so others will remember their light. 
Each of us Shining our Uniqueness 
Brilliantly Creatively 
Feeling this now

In Celebration 

Hear the choir of Angels rejoicing
Rippling outwardly and inwardly powerfully profoundly and LIGHTLY.
With our Devotional Heart Wings 
Moving with the Breath of Divine LIFE LOVE Creation

Wednesday, 25 March 2020

2020 year of Illumination and Revelation

2020 is the year of Illumination and Revelation. 
Divine Source Light will be shining and received to lighten up enlighten all. Darkness Shadow and Light. 
All that was hidden. 
And so all the structures programming systems of the Patriarchy are being illuminated. 
So all can be revealed. 
So all can Shift and Evolve. Two of the major systems are Time and Money
Humanity is being gifted the opportunity to experience being living outside of these inverted 3d matrix systems 
Timelines are converging. Density is being released. 
Questioning enquiry opening to learning. Knowledge accessed.
Energetically the noise of the system has been quietened. 
Humanity has a chance to tune in
Space has been created 
To feel experience hear from all Higher Dimensional resonances. 
From heart and soul.
The distractions of addiction triggering the survival reactions of the Root Chakra now have space to heal.
 I was told by the Ascended Galactic Team of Light
 Now more than ever we are being gifted the opportunity to own our choices. 
Where we put our intention and attention is vital. 

We are growing up into our Sovereignty. 
With the time construct being shaken we are able to energetically shift out of the 3D. 
We are able to own our Co-Creativity. 
We will now have the experience of Living BEing.
We are experiencing Gaia's other children having 'space to breathe'.

While at the same time there is a loss of life. This also shows us how precious life is. 
And gives us the opportunity to tune into how we can be of Service to the Divine. 
Which is us and Gaia and All that is LOVE CREATIVITY and the Highest Intention.