This Afternoon I received a profound Awakening from the Solar Logos. For a couple weeks I had been getting the Vibration of Silver Platinum Rays.
Today I experienced an Angelic God Divine Being that was Being God Angelic Avatar for s/he showed me as vast with wings was emanating shining through our Sun from the Central Sun.
This Being then showed me that our Hearts are Connected to our Sun.
And through this Connection we can travel to a Solar Universe it was akin to the Shri Yantra that looks like a Pyramid. We are now in the latter stage of the Corridor of Solar Light.
And Gatekeeping alongside side was/is a Lion Guardian.
Through this experienced I understood more.
We are here to experience.
We are literally birthing ourselves into a new Era.
We are coming into our own Sovereign Selves. Moving into the Vibration of New Earth.
As we are co-create ourselves more fully in our Divine Selves the Divine Flame enveloping more of our being.
We will be able to experience Avatars Divine Ascended Beings Angelic Beings in ways we have not before.
We will have capacity to experience understand as we will have the energy fields and capacity to understand and importantly reflect mirror.
This is part of the Co-creation.
Our Sun is the Gateway through our Hearts to Activate this.
We are not 'just' remembering or going back or forward - inverted 3D Matrix - we are co-creating something new.
We are shifting out of the hologram. To be with Gaia as she holds the resonance for us to evolve into higher Vibrational Dimensions of 5D and above. For Gaia holds multiple bridges expressions of herself of 5D and beyond.
For Gaia is Divine and Divine is infinite ever expanding.
More and more of us have been experiencing for sometime the opening and expansion of our Chakras. And specifically our Hearts and Higher Hearts merging as we become Pillars of Light.
People will have their senses heightened and merging.
More people will be receiving more messages from their Avatar selves Highest Guides Spirit Teams.
We are in times of such great awakening.
More are and will be Awakening to their multi-dimensionality and Ascension Arc.
Bringing to the collective such experiences of profound beauty challenge growth and wonder.